Electricity Bill 2000 boasts about private participation
in power sector. The situation in Maharashtra State
Electricity Board shows the real intention of multi
national companies in power sector. Private distribution
companies in Orissa is not yet ready to restore the power
supply in cyclone hit rural areas. In Andhra Pradesh power
tariff was hiked many fold. So for an average Indian
citizen electricity is becoming a costly commodity. So it
is our responsibility to resist the betrayers from
privatising the power sector.
deal with Enron involves payments guaranteed by MSEB,
Govt. of Maharashtra and Govt. of India, which border on
the ridiculous. The Republic
of India has staked all its assets (including those
abroad, save diplomatic and military) as surety for the
payments due to Enron by MSEB.
Phase I
phase I, MSEB has to a pay Enron a fixed and a variable
cost for its power. The fixed cost has to be paid even
if MSEB draws no power from Enron.
fixed cost currently for phase I of the project is Rs.
1000 crore annually. Phase I does not bind MSEB to
purchase any power.
II of the project involves a 'take or pay' contract.
Therefore once phase II goes on line, MSEB will be
obligated to buy a certain amount of power. The price that
MSEB will pay to DPC is indexed to the price of Oil, US
and India inflation, Rupee to Dollar conversion, etc.
current prices, MSEB will be obligated to pay sums
starting at Rs. 7000 crore ($ 1.5 billion) a year each
year for the next 20 years. For comparison, the entire
annual budget of the state of Maharashtra is Rs. 24,000
Crore ($ 5 billion).
April 2000, MSEB applied to MERC (Maharashtra Electricity
Regulatory Commission) for permission to raise its
tariffs, contending that it would otherwise incur annual
deficit of Rs. 2000 crore.
Read more stories about this issue 1.
shoots bill, MSEB cries help
looks to Centre for lifeline on Dabhol
3. State
puts blame on DPC for MSEB's ailment
4. Panel
to study Enron impact on MSEB finances
5. Scrapping
agreement with Enron will cost MSEB dear
The power, sector, due to
various reasons, developed many ills, as a consequence of
deliberate violation of existing laws and statutes by
concerned authorities. Being the most important, vital
infrastructure in the country, the "reform" of
this core sector is essential. It has become necessary to
address the poor financial health of the State Electricity
Boards, the organisation responsible for generating and
distributing electricity in almost the entire country. The
viability of the whole industry is questionable today the
result of which is the sufferings of the consumers.
Although, Government of India made an attempt to address
such problems incorporating qualitative change in
legislation, The Electricity Bill 2000 drafted for that
purpose, however, could not come out as a comprehensive
document, competent of repealing the earlier Indian
Electricity Act, 1910 and Electric Supply Act, 1948. This is
a common understanding of the discussion held at workshop at
Calcutta during 22-23drd May, 2000, organised jointly by
Forum of Scientists, Engineers and Technologists (FOSET) and
West Bengal State Centre of the Institution of Engineers
The Bill has
been prepared by National Council of Applied Economic
Research, not known for having expertise and specialisation
on Power Sector. Power Sector being an exclusively
specialised subject, not a typical consumer item, can’t be
dealt with but experts from technical and legal streams,
which are not in dearth in the country. India is a nation
having successfully installed 90,000 MW (among largest 10
nations in the world), has though this process created a
host of experts of International Standard within the country
who could have been taken into confidence, while preparing
such draft, instead of making a hasty formulation,
suspiciously imitating some unproven trendy solutions, being
experimented in a few developed nations. Releasing
continuous editions (five till date) along with changing of
sequence of the chapters of the draft within two months
time, only substantiate this statement. Moreover, the
changing of sequence of chapters in the successive edition
created lot of confusion.
Any legislation
in this core sector should aim for reaching the people at
large with electricity. Any rationality in the process would
ask for objective analysis of the past bills and acts and
inclusion of the time tested provisions of earlier
regulations. Unfortunately this is missing in the draft
bill. Objectively it is to be clarified clearly whether the
draft bill – 2000 will aim at consolidation of existing
consumers already connected, or to reach power to 350
million poor Indians, who are yet to be supplied with
electricity. Electricity is no longer an optional item, it
has become an entitlement. It is critical to industry,
agriculture, health, education etc. No doubt it has
contributed largely in attaining the food sufficiency during
sixties and seventies.
The earlier
bills / drafts were prepared to achieve:
power at affordable rates to all classes of consumers,
as a consequence of which principles of cross
subsidization was introduced.
electricity to economically disadvantaged section
including rural through intensive Rural Electrification
was made the backbone for food security through
irrigation pump sets.
Power to
support colossal growth of industry, railways and
building up self-reliance by judicious tapping of
indigenous resource like using high ash coals available
indigenously rather than imported fuels.
regional balance and establish co-operation and
participatory control through Regional Electricity
Boards and RLDC keeping harmony between states and the
the Bill 2000 did not deal with objective analysis although
it appears that the draft is aimed for creating conducive
legislation for private/foreign investment and restructuring
the State Electricity Boards. It is not clear, how mere
restructuring will solve the fundamental problems, if the
attitude and will are not changed; The World Bank Officials
directly designed and initiated the legislative and
structural changes in the state of Orissa. The same model is
being repeated in Haryana and Andhra Pradesh, without having
any real life stock taking of Orissa scenario today. Once
privatised, the super cyclone hit large areas are still
debarred of electricity (after eight months). The company
has asked for compensation of Rs.300 crores as precondition
of restoring the distribution network in rural areas and it
is said that without rural consumers at present, they are
enjoying commercially better consumers with and as a natural
consequence, they are reluctant to reconnect the rural load.
The state Regulatory Commission could not ensure supply for
entire rural people, who are certainly not at a fault for
such uncertainties and misuses. No analysis of such reforms
was made in the objective of the bill 2000. Ironically,
while unbundling of SEBs has been proposed no such
structural changes have been proposed for the vertically
integrated private licensees, e.g. TEC, BSES, CESC, AES. In
subsequent edition, it has been mentioned, without giving
any justification that, states are however, at liberty to
decide on restructuring of SEBs. This will lead to confusion
and inconsistencies.
The following
socially purposeful areas, well defined in earlier bills,
are missing in this draft,
return to licensees
Only proper
expenditure allowed to licensee
line method of depreciation
Role of
inspectors as a link between consumer and the license
of new schemes and methodology of their sanction.
Over and above,
salient technical aspects are missing in the draft, e.g.
safety regulation, voltage stipulation, frequency standards,
condition of supply provisions of supply along with
necessary obligations, definitions e.g. MW, MVAR, MVA, PF,
harmonious etc.) The vital aspects like energy audit
conservation, harnessing renewable energy sources, energy
management, energy efficiency have not been touched upon.
Even it has not kept obligatory provisions, on the part of
the utilities to supply electricity, to the people, who will
apply fulfilling the necessary formalities.
CEA’s power of
arbitration on technical matters and scrutinization of new
proposals have been withdrawn and the same has been rested
on Regulatory Commission. CEA, being constituted as an
Advisory body for Ministry of Power, has got experience
expertise and infrastructure for carrying out the above
functions. CEA is past three years has succeeded in bringing
down the cost of private sector power projects by Rs.6000
crores, which was otherwise been allotted to the private
entrepreneurs through MoU route. CEA had functions as
regulator, advisor and innovator and sometime as consultant.
CEA is organised in such a manner that there is
complimentarily between the various functions and
responsibilities. How can an independent regulator, not even
accountable to the Ministry or Parliament replace such a
proven system. The role and authority of SERC vis a vis CERC
and/or state government is also not clear in the draft. The
power of the state government to given direction to the
Regulatory Commission (SERC), even on matters of policy
involving public interest is eliminated. In case SERC;
Straightway rejects these directions, state government has
to made appeal to CEREC this undoubtedly is a dilution of
the authority of state government with respect to the
constitutional power entrusted for this subject of
concurrence. Moreover, there is no mention whether the
Regulatory Commission can reopen the PPA’s already
executed with Independent Power Producers, resulting in no
control over tariff or power production from those plants.
Considering all
these aspects, deliberated threadbare in the workshop, it
was resolved that:
The Draft Bill
2000 in its present form will neither serve the purpose of
supplying quality power at reasonable rate, nor it appears
to be able to address the cronic decease in national power
The earlier two
Acts 1910, 1948 has served the nation well during last five
decades although there might have been reasons for
incorporating certain amendments in order to overcome the
immediate difficulties faced in present scenario. There are
certain provisions in the Draft Electricity Bill 2000, which
can be incorporated through amendment of the existing bills.
The workshop
requested the Ministry of Power to bring out with a white
paper on experience of reform carried out at state level
(e.g. Orissa, Haryana, Andhra Pradesh etc.) and at national
level. This will help analyzing the present status more
The workshop
also suggested to form a national level commission to
examine the existing laws/acts and to suggest necessary
amendments. The commission should include eminent
experts/professionals of national repute representing
private sector. PSU, Chamber of Commerces, SEBs, and
professional associations.
Visit for more details
discussion details on the Bill-2000
flays ``Electricity Bill 2000''
want Electricity Bill withdrawn
Workers Stage Successful Strike