Pinarayi is at a distance of 20 KM from the district head quarters
Kannur. The population is around 29,000. The nearest town and railway station is Thalassery
which is 8 Km away.
Three sides of my village is surrounded by
rivers. Remaining boundaries consists of five panchayats namely,
Kadirur, Dharmadam, Peralassery, Vengad, Kottayam and
Erancholi. Arabian sea is just five Km away from here. Main occupation is Beedi manufacturing in which
'DINESH' is having a monopoly. For administrational purposes the
Panchayat is divided into two villages Eruvatty and
Pinarayi. Pinarayi consists of 15 wards and almost all wards contains one or more primary schools.
My village is having all the facilities for cultural and social activities mainly anchored by sports clubs, reading rooms, educational
centres, youth organizations and libraries.
Pinarayi is having 18 reading rooms , 19 libraries and
more than 60 arts and sports clubs. Electricity reached
this village in 1958 itself and was inaugurated by then
state minister Sri VR Krishna Iyer. Former Deputy
Collector Mr. MP Kunhiraman Nair was the first consumer.
Totally seven Muslim mosques and forty three Hindu temples
are there in this Panchayat.
Pinarayi is a beautiful
village which is surrounded by rivers on its three sides.
Hundreds of years ago feudal fights between Kottayam and
Kolathunadu rulers were common in this village and lot of peoples
died during these fights. Due to this, it is believed that, the name
Pinarayi was derived from 'Pinam' ( word for dead body in
Malayalam). In 1920's itself peasant and teachers organizations
were strong in this village and there was a
wide support for freedom movement. As a part of
freedom movement struggle, 'boycotting foreign cloths' strike was conducted here In 1930. Leaders of this strike were Sri
AKG, AK Sankaran Nambiar, Kacherikkandi Chathukkutty and
Thattari Kunhiraman. In 1938 seven thousand peasants
marched from Pinarayi to Kottayam kovilakam for reducing
'varam and pattam' (rent given by peasants to landlords).
It is worth to note that the population of Pinarayi during
that time was around 10,000. This was considered as the
first instant of unified mass movement against landlordism.
AKG, Kundancheri Kunhiraman master, NE Balaram, Pandyala
Gopalan Master, Pinarayi Krishnan master and TV Govindan
Nair were the leaders.
In 1937 itself a committee of Communist Party was formed
in a formal meeting at Kozhikkode that was presided by
Com. SV Ghatte. But Kerala unit of Indian communist party
started publicly working after its historic conference at Parapram
of Pinarayi village in 1939. Communist legendaries like AKG, EMS, P
Krishnappilai were present in the conference. Late CPI
leader Sri. NE Balaram ( former Industry minister of
Kerala and Member of Parliament) was a delegate. Pandyala
Gopalan Master , great son of Pinarayi, was a volunteer
during the conference.
was very famous for its Hindu-Muslim
friendship. When there were communal riots in different
parts of Thalassery, this village remained unaffected,
which proved the progressive mentality of the public. Hindu communalists attacked several mosques and
Muslim houses in and around Thalassery. CPIM leader
Pinarayi Vijayan, Velayudhan Nambiar and Chirayi Ananthan played an important
role in resisting those communalists and protected
| 20.04 sq. km |
Population | 28759
(91 census) |
ratio | 1000M/1047F | Panchayat
Capital | Olayambalam | Revenue
Villages | Pinarayi,
Eruvatty | No of Wards | 15 | Exchange | Mambaram | Telephone No | 0490-382454 | Panchayat Address | Pinarayi Grama Panchayat,
Pin 670741 | | Pinarayi P.O. | | Kannur-670 741, Kerala | East | Kottayam Panchayat | West | Dharmadam Panchayat
(Andalur-Melur Puzha) | North | Paralassery, Vengad Panchayat
(Ancharakkandy river) | South | Kathirur, Eranholy Panchayat
( Ummenchira, Andalur river) | Block
Panchayat | Thalassery | Taluk | Thalassery | Assembly Constituency | Koothuparamba | Parliament Constituency | Kannur | President | Kakoth Rajan | Vice President | K.P. Sadhu Master | No. of Hospitals | 5 | No. of Schools | 16 | No. of Libraries | 17 | No. of Temples | 30 | No. of Mosques | 15 | No. of
Social & Cultural clubs | 61 |
Pandyala Gopalan Master (1920-2000)
Pandyala Gopalan Master, great son of Pinarayi, was
born on April 6, 1920. Up to eighth standard he studied in
RC Amala school. He become attracted to anti-imperialist
movements and freedom struggle in the early years itself.
When he was a 4th standard student he participated in
Toddy shop picketing at Pinarayi. Picketing was conducted
under the leadership of Pinarayi Krishnan Nair and
Sankaran Nambiar (elder brother of AKG). Even at the age
of 16 he was a fire brand speaker in public meetings. In
1930s he actively participated in peasant movement and was
an active leader of 'Karshaka sanghom'.In 1936 he joined
in Kelalur LP school as a teacher. In 1937 he
become a member of Kottayam taluk congress Committee. For
distracting betrayers and police from Communist Party
formation conference at Parapram, he called on a teachers
conference at Pinarayi at the same time. After Thalassery
firing on 1940 September 15, he was the main speaker in 15
corner meetings on the same day. In 1953 he joined in
Pinarayi Sarada vilasam School as a teacher and retired
from there in 1975. He served as the president of the
Panchayat from 1979 to 1994 and contributed a lot to the development of Pinarayi.
He left this world on August 20, 2000. Panchayat
1961-1964 |
Kunhukutty master |
1964-1967 |
Sri. TV
Achuthan Nair |
1967-1979 |
Sri. P
Nanu |
1979-1994 |
Pandyala Gopalan master |
1995 |
Kakkoth Rajan |
Even before 150 years Pinarayi was having primary
education facility. Kulathumkara village school that was
established in 1840's by Therela Kannan Gurikkal was later renamed as
Therala lower
primary school. But in 1992 state Government closed down
this school arguing that it is uneconomical. RC Amala
Basic UP school is having an important place in the
educational history of Pinarayi. It was founded in 1919 by
Roman Catholicon Christian missionary Mr. Fernandes. It
was the first school in this village that provided English
education and the students were coming from neighboring
villages also. on 10th June 1977 a high school was
inaugurated at Pinarayi in the memory of great communist
leader AKG. School campus is having an area of 3 acres and
15 cents. Later this school was upgraded to Higher
secondary. High school and higher secondary studies are offered mainly by A.K.G Memorial Higher secondary school.
Except this High school all the other schools were
established in first part of 19th century. Totally there
are 9 lower primary schools and 6 upper primary schools
and all these are under private management. There is no
technical institution in this village. Computer training
facility is being offered by Pinarayi Electronics
Industrial co-operative society (PELISO). Three parallel
colleges are there in this Panchayat. Vengatteri Sankaran, Rairu Gurikkal and VV
Kunhikkannan Nambiar were among famous teachers of that time.
Panunda UP School |
Panunda LP School |
Kozhoor UP School |
Venduttayi LP School |
Ummenchira Mappila LP School |
AKG Memorial Govt. Higher secondary
School |
Kizhakkumbhagam junior basic school |
Ganapathi Vilasam Basic UP School |
Padannakkara UP School |
Kolad junior UP School |
Saradavilasam junior basic School |
RC Amala basic UP School |
Cherikkal junior basic school |
Pinarayi west basic UP School |
Pinarayi Mappila junior basic School |
Parapram junior basic School |
& Co-operative Societies
Pinarayi is an industrially
backward village. Modern industrial establishments are not
there. But Co-operative sector is very strong and it
compensated to industrial backwardness to an extent. This village is considered to be having the highest number of Co-operative societies in
Around 35 co-operative
societies are there in this village. First co-operative
society of this village was started in 1922. Totally there are 3 credit societies, 16 industrial co-operative
societies, 6 school co-operative societies and 2 others. Peoples are the ultimate decision makers and investors in these societies. These societies are providing service in almost every aspect of life like banking, education, printing, milk and public distributions, garments manufacturing, hotels, health care, recreations, markets and stores, manufacturing, Information Technology etc. Pinarayi
Service co-operative bank, Pinarayi Industrial
co-operative society, Pinarayi beedi workers Industrial
co-operative society (DINESH), Pinarayi women's multi Industrial
co-operative society are leading co-operative
societies. More than 2000 peoples are working in beedi
manufacturing sector. Pole casting unit in Pinarayi Industrial
co-operative society manufactures 7m, 8m and 9m pre
stressed concrete poles and supplies to Kerala
State Electricity Board for using in the construction
of distribution lines. Prominent leader
Com. Pinarayi Vijayan ( Secretary, CPIM Kerala state committee ) is from my Village. As an expert in co-operative sector, he masterminded the development and establishment of co-op societies
in Pinarayi. Peoples
Planning Programme
Peoples planning programme revolutionized the development of the
Panchayat. Pinarayi grama panchayat was chosen as the best
panchayat in the district. Its grama sabha meetings
registered a consistently high attendance, its 121 neighborhood
committees have been active, it has achieved
a 100 per cent revenue and tax collection record, and its utilization
of plan funds - especially those in the
productive sector - has been outstanding. It has been
particularly successful in the implementation of its total
sanitation programme whereby 2,500 houses have been
provided with private latrines. This panchayat is a busy, focused
unit of administration that has its ears to the
ground. In coming years it is our responsibility to prove that we are among the best in the country.